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The PLAB 2 examination is a practical assessment of a candidate's clinical skills and is used as part of the process for determining whether a doctor is eligible to practice medicine in the United Kingdom. It assesses a range of clinical skills including history taking, communication, physical examination, data interpretation, diagnosis and management.

PLAB 2 is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). It consists of 16 stations (scenarios) stations, each lasting eight minutes, and aims to reflect real-life settings including a mock consultation or an acute ward. There will be at least two rest stations, allowing you to take breaks. The whole exam will take around three hours.

The exam covers everything a UK-trained doctor might expect to see on the first day of Foundation Year Two (F2). It tests your ability to apply knowledge to the care of patients, not how well you can remember and recite facts. All the questions relate to current best practices. You should answer them in relation to published evidence and not according to your local arrangements.

After reading the instructions and patient information outside each room, you will enter the exam cubicle and complete the task outlined. There will be a timer that announces when to move on.

Candidates will be assessed on their ability to take an accurate medical history, communicate effectively with patients, perform basic clinical examinations, interpret common laboratory tests and make appropriate management decisions.

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